



Başlangıç Seviyesi (A1-A2)

İngilizce Seviye Tespit Sınavı

Placement Test

Bu quiz, farklı seviyelerdeki öğrencilerin dil bilgisi ve kelime bilgisini test etmeye yöneliktir. Seviyeye göre öğrencilere daha karmaşık sorular sorulabilir. Test sonuçlarına göre, öğrencilerin hangi seviyede oldukları belirlenebilir. Boş şans!

1. What is the plural form of "cat"?
2. I ___ a student.
3. Where ____ you from?
4. How many legs does a spider have?
5. What is the opposite of "big"?
6. She usually ___ to the gym on Mondays.
7. I don’t like ___ coffee.
8. What’s the weather like today? It’s ___.
9. They ___ at home yesterday.
10. I have ___ apples in my bag.
11. If it ___ tomorrow, we won’t go to the park.
12. I have been living in this city ___ five years.
13. He said that he ___ to the meeting.
14. They ___ a new car last month.
Story: Emily was excited about her first day at her new job. She woke up early, got dressed in her best outfit, and had a quick breakfast. She left her house with plenty of time to spare, but when she arrived at the office, she realized she had forgotten her ID card at home. Emily felt nervous as she explained the situation to the security guard. Thankfully, the guard was understanding and let her in after confirming her identity. Despite the stressful start, Emily was determined to make a good impression and do her best at her new job. Question: What was Emily excited about?
16. She wishes she ___ more time to study.
17. If I ___ rich, I would travel the world.
18. They are planning ___ a new house.
19. The book ___ by the author last year.
20. The meeting was postponed ___ the bad weather.
21. I regret ___ you the truth.
22. Hardly ___ the train left when the accident happened.
23. The research paper needs ___ before submission.
24. The more you practice, ___ you will become.
25. I’ll call you as soon as I ___ home.
26. The project was completed successfully, despite ___ many challenges along the way.
27. Had I known about the issue earlier, I ___ it immediately.
28. The manager's speech was filled with ___, which made the audience feel motivated and inspired.
29. The novel, which had been highly anticipated, ___ to meet the expectations of its readers.
30. Story: John had always wanted to learn how to play the guitar. For years, he admired musicians who could make beautiful music with just a few strings. Finally, on his 30th birthday, he decided to buy a guitar and start learning. The first few weeks were challenging, as his fingers hurt and he struggled to remember the chords. However, John was determined to keep practicing. Every evening, he would spend an hour with his guitar, slowly improving each day. After a few months, he could play his favorite songs, and the feeling of accomplishment was worth all the hard work. Question: What was challenging for John in the first few weeks?
İngilizce Seviye Tespit Sınavı
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